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Is Love Enough?

LOVE! Something we all want to feel...Something we all want to receive...Something we all want to give. We groove to love songs, watch those romantic movies and read intriguing novels. We’re told it’s the greatest thing in the world, but yet it can cut like a knife; including the love yearned from parents, siblings or friends. Love is global, it just doesn’t belong in a couple’s relationship. 

Love should be included in a package deal. Packaged with trust, respect and honesty. This is what makes the relationship healthy. We want to love who we trust, respect and can be honest with, right? The first feeling of love most of us experienced was from our parents. The type of love that nourishes us to love others.  If that love isn’t given to us in a comforting, compassionate way, then we may struggle to love others. Love is the most powerful element of the package, but it cannot create all the skills and actions that are needed to keep a relationship healthy. We have to learn to compromise, self examine and be willing to make improvements. Love alone should not contain us in relationships that are unhealthy or not growing. Sometimes we can deeply love a person (mate, parent, friend) but realize we are frequently hitting a brick wall. With each hit it hurts more and more, emotionally and physically. This would be the time for self examination and to ask yourself “Is LOVE enough?” Everyone’s tolerance is not the same. Individually we will know when to step back and love from afar. The effort of trying to prove your worthiness will dissolve.

Learn to raise your standards. Amaze yourself in believing you deserve that package deal!! You’ll know when you have’ll feel and appreciate it. Just make sure you’re prepared to reciprocate those elements. Meanwhile, self love is always enough!

”Life has taught me that you cannot control someone’s loyalty. No matter how good you are to them, doesn’t mean they’ll treat you the same. No matter how much they mean to you, doesn’t mean they will value you the same. Sometimes the people you love the most, turn out to be the people you can trust the least”

- Trent Shelton

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2 comentários

Tuyen Truong
Tuyen Truong
25 de jan. de 2020

Yes!! In the feels with this one.


24 de jan. de 2020

You hot that right

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