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It’s Not Your Job To Make Me Happy, It’s Mine!

Our self esteem can predict how we allow people to treat us. Some of us are looking for happiness in the wrong places for the wrong reasons. Some try to make others happy when they’re not truly happy themselves. If you think someone else is the reason for your happiness, you’ve got it all wrong. No one can make you happy. They can make you smile or laugh, but not happy. Happiness comes from within. You have to learn to change your state of mind to feel the effect. Listen, life is a roller coaster and you’ll have some off days (Lord knows I do!), but it will be your drive to keep you focused on being the best you can be. Strive to be happy everyday; not necessarily all day everyday, but there should be some point in your day that you’re happy. Now it won’t happen overnight, so be patient with yourself.

A boost in confidence is one of the most common benefits of inner happiness. You start to care less what others think and start feeling good about you as a person. Your decisions will become clearer. You’ll know what’s best for you instead of someone telling you. That inner happiness grants you the control over challenges you may face. When your happiness comes from within, you'll begin to feel less dependent on outside influences to make you happy. There is no obligation to make a lot of friends, find the perfect partner, or even have the perfect job. No matter how much money you make or spend, you won't be able to find inner happiness from anything tangible. Knowing that you don't need to depend on anyone or anything else to make you happy is true freedom.

Accept your flaws, admit your weaknesses and embrace your habits (as long as they’re good ones), after all it’s who you are. Be happy!

“Live without pretending

Love without depending

Listen without defending

Speak without offending”


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1 Comment

Dec 27, 2019

Good message, 👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿

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