How do some of us get this far in life pacifying other people feelings and ignoring our own? Why are we so afraid to speak our truth? Life brings so much joy, peace and freedom. Joy is felt in your soul. Genuine joy happens when something inside of us deeply responds to joy and we tuck it away safely in our hearts. Peace sometimes can be a struggle. There are things we continuously worry about, however most of those things are beyond our control. You can’t control the family you were born to, who you choose to love ( well maybe, lol), if there’s a traffic jam on your way to work and most importantly other people’s issues. Of course show empathy, however don’t make their issues as your own. Learn to seek positivity. Try not to have expectations of others, those expectations may turn into disappointments. For me, inner peace means that we are in touch with our most authentic selves. It occurs only in the present, because we can’t change the past any more than we can know what the future holds. Ahh..Freedom! What we all need, what we all seek. Know who and what you want to be. Don’t conform to other people needs or desires before your own. Be free with your love, be free with your feelings, be free with your knowledge and wisdom, be free with your truth. Speak from your heart, speak with joy, speak with peace and speak with freedom!
”Prepare for joy- speak your truth, care for yourself, expand your knowledge, nurture your friendships, let people love you, take on new adventures, go where your heart leads you”
—Charlotte Sophia Kasl
I totally agree! Keep getting better.
This is so true! Yessss 🙌🏽♥️♥️
👍🏾 about time... you know I had to say something smart... lol 😂 wouldn’t be me if I didn’t