November 1, 2019
As I stand in the mirror, looking eye to eye with myself, I ask who am I? Does my soul resonate with the universe? Can I freely be me without the outside noise criticizing me? Can I be the parent my children look up to?Yes indeed!
Some saw beauty within me I couldn’t see... or did I ignored it? Sometimes we find ourselves pacifying desires and dreams of others and not our own. Who should I please first, you or me?
Acceptance- the action or process of being received as adequate or suitable. Usually by a group of people. But have you accepted yourself? Once you’ve received the acceptance, are you really free or did you forbear who you really are to be accepted? Do you just smile as a photo prop for the camera to please others? Remember you’re not the one looking through the lens, just imagine what they see.
Growth is defined by our surroundings and standards. Making lateral moves in friendship/relationship, love and career is easy and convenient- nothing changes. Is the situation best for you or them? Is it just something to do for the time being? Do you feel the need to be needed? You have to be the change. You cannot grow without change or a challenge. Connect yourself with those who will help you rise in self awareness, finances, love and life.
Spirituality comes from our soul. It’s a simply way of life, pure and original as given by the Most High- connecting us to the universe and each other. Who are you connected to? Do they help define your being? Do you trust them? Better yet, can they trust you?
Love hurts. Really bad at times. But the beauty about love is that the heart can heal. Sometimes it heals so well, you continue to love the one that caused you pain. This can be a sign of weakness or strength. The lesson is to indulge in self love first. Learn to trust your instincts. Be free to love who your soul loves regardless of the outside noise. Otherwise your soul is weak. Don’t fear rejection. Those who reject your truth aren’t worthy of you in any form.
"Take the Risk or Lose the Chance"